Demo out now!

Demo out now!

You can download the demo using the links below. We have just released a new patch with some fixes and quality of life updates.

Patch Notes

Quality of Life Improvements

  • When the player jumps off at the end, the audio fades out to emphasise the end of the demo.
  • Improved audio loading by priming audio before it is required during play.
  • Added automatic NVIDIA DLSS for 30 series and 40 series cards.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the player couldn't climb back towards the first fence after dropping in the water.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would fall off of an invisible wall on a log.
  • Fixed an issue where the audio wouldn't return after the game restarted.
  • Fixed an audio issue where only two of the bullet sounds are played when three bullets are fired.


A Long Way Down Demo 161 MB
May 11, 2023

Get A Long Way Down